Sunday, March 11, 2012



JV RED  You will be playing Sunset tomorrow at 10:00AM and you need to be at the field at 9:00AM.

JV BLACK You will be playing Sunset tomorrow as well and your game will start at 12:00 and you need
                     to be at the field at 11:00.

VARSITY  You need to come up to the field at 12:30.  You will hit in the cage until the JV Black game is
                   over.  When they finish we will get on the field and take some in and out.  Pitchers only need
                   to get to the field at 1:30.  All of you will throw a short bullpen of 30-35 pitches.


JV RED   You will have the day off since all of the coaches will be with the JV Black and Varsity at
                  W.T. White for a district game.

JV BLACK   You will be playing AT W.T. White at 10:00AM.  If you would like to take some cuts
                       before we leave then you will need to be at the field 8:45.  The bus will be leaving at

VARSITY  We play AT W.T. White at 1:00.  Be at the field at 11:30 to take some cuts.  We
                    will be leaving at 12:15.


ALL TEAMS   We will be leaving for our game against Rockwall Heath at the Ballpark in Arlington at 3:00.
                         The game starts at 6:00 and we are required to be there 1 1/2 hours before game time.
                         Once we are there only the Varsity will be allowed to take batting practice in the cages
                         under the stadium.  Both JV teams will wear their uniforms and sit in the dugout during the
                         game.  I will have waivers for you and your parents to sign tomorrow at the JV games.
                         These waivers MUST be signed and given back to me before you allowed on the field
                         and in the dugout.


ALL TEAMS:  We will take a break and have no practices or games.  I want you all to get some good
                         rest because when we get back from Spring Break we will be facing some tough teams
                         and I want arms well rested and ready to compete.

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